Oh Strewth i've already lost one!.... no I didn't I hand hold of Oscars hand as I didn't trust him going down the stairs. I reckon if he had hes chance he would run for about three steps then spend the rest of the time bumbling down the rest of the stairs till he hit the bottom. Come to think of it if I had the camera on movie mode and filmed him falling, then a quick edit of the film (taken out the bit of me pushing him) then send it to Australia's Funnest Videos, and you never know we might get a new fridge out of it!
Finally at the water and time to cool off, isn't that a nice little photo of three happy little shark biscuits. But where's the little fella I hear you ask.....
Well as soon as he saw the massive waves he lost his courage and he was off to the towels, and as for coming down with me, well
So here is a photo of Oscar after I dr
But after a while he started to get a little bit closer and closer till he went in up to his knees, and that was far enough for both of us to be happy.
Then after a fair while of the little nevilles swimming, jumping and running about it was time to get some tucker in our tummies, well even Duracell bunnies need to recharge t
And finally here is a photo of Jacko, Sarah and Harrison at the top of the hill over looking Yanchep Beach. I tried but have you ever tried to get four kiddies to stand still together for a photo, I said that just in case your wondering what happen to the little fella Oscar. But it was a flamin' beaut day and the kiddies had a ball, and they can't wait for there next trip to the beach. Between the footy, bushwalking and the beach these friggin' kiddies are wearing me out, little buggers.
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