Well this was going to be our biggest roadtrip that our mob had ever gone on, a trip to Brookton (137kms) then across to the township of Beverley then on to York and back home. So with the Commodore packed with a few picnic tuckerbags and fore kiddies strapped into their seats we were off on our trip. But first we had our first stop at Churchman Dam for our Breaky Break, it helps to have a full tummy before heading into the bush hay.
After packing up our mess we set off driving along the Brookton Hwy, and before we knew it we were driving down the main street. As you can see the township is quiet a new one as it only started up in 1899, which only makes it just over 100's old...... a baby hay.
As you can see their is a park alongside the railway track which has a whole collection of these old farm equipment like Harvesters, tractors and other local farming memorabilia. that was used a fair bit ago. Now seeing that I don't really know the names of these farming stuff, i'll give ya a little history on the township of Brookton. (by the way these stat's are from 1996)
Well Brookton is just a typical small wheatbelt town with a Population of 580 with an average rainfall being 459mm, in 1884 the GREAT SOUTHERN RAILWAY came through the countryside so the township came into being. In 1906 the first proper road was made but it wasn't until well into the 1950's that it was sealed and I get the feeling that it hasen't ever been resealed!
Other town stat's are that it has 315,927 sheep, 1,340 cattle and 395 pigs. And as for production of grain which is the town's main reason for being, it has a yearly total of WHEAT (in tonnes) 38,228, OATS 9,053, LUPINS 7,904, BARLEY 5,965 and CANOLA 193.
We then went walkabout around the town and found the main street, their was the normal stuff you find in these little old bush towns. Like two Hotels a little supermarket, a couple of cafes and a busy newsagent's. A big shop selling Harvesters and farming stuff and a sportswear, post office, one ANZ Bank and a couple of ATM's.
And we found the old Brookton train station which has a little water feature, so I got a photo of the nevilles next to it. It was one of the best ones i've ever seen mate a bloody little beauty. But that was about all Brookton had for us to see, So we then went back to that park across the railway and let the kiddies have some fun climbing all over the farming stuff (as you have seen in the photos).
So with the kiddies pretty happy with their legs stretched we all got back in the commodore and we headed off to our next destination BEVERLEY, which was only about 35km's away..... Next Post hay.
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