Well it was time to pack
Esmay the commodore and take her out for her first sunday drive, and what better way to go then a nice s
unday drive to
YORK. Now for any nevilles out there who don't know where York is, then it's about 97 km's from Perth city and about a lazy 80 km's trip from our home. It's a real beaut old fashion bush township situated in the fertile Avon Valley, and sits on the muddy banks of the mighty Avon river. Now for a bit of history.... York was founded in 1830 as the first inland settlement in Western Australia, by a bloke called Ensign Dale who was given the task of exploring what lay east of the Darling Range. He decided to call the place York after he was reminded by the rolling green countryside, (in the middle of winter) of his native homeland of Yorkshire in England. Funny thing is if he had seen the place in summer he might of called it after Aries bloody rock!!! Fairdinkum, just like most places in Australia when it becomes summer it just turns to every shade of brown you can think off.
Here's the kiddies in the main street on the Avon Terrace, which still has the fashionable facades of the old days which gives it that real beaut old bush township feeling.
We then headed down to the river and hit the picnic area and the swings, then we started our bushwalk for the day which went along the banks of the Avon river. The walk is called
THE AVON RIVER WALK TRAIL, which carries on for just over a kilometer then you turn around and walk back. In this picture the kiddies are on the Mini Mongers bridge, this is about the half way mark.
And here is the mob at the o
ld crossing of the Avon river, in summer I might of let the kiddies have a little splash about but this being a nippy cool winter morning I might have to keep an eye on them. And after a nice little bushwalk we came upon the thing which we were coming to see......
That's right a beaut old
suspension bridge!! Now I just love these old suspension
bridges and three of the kiddies love them too, can you guess which little neville doesn't like them? .... That's right poor little Oscar wasn't all that chuffed with the idea of crossing a river on a swinging piece of wire, but he came along (well he wasn't staying by himself hay) and all the way across he kept telling me what he thought of this silly b
loody idea that his old man had. But he made it to the over side in one piece and was happy when we set off up the road towards an old church at the end of the street, it turned out to be the
Holy Trinity Church of York. After having a gander we went back down to the river side and crossed the bridge again, with a little Oscar having his say in this bridge crossing caper idea till we got to the
other side.
Here is the kiddies just hanging around and you guessed it Oscar was next to me holding me hand, no chance of getting him standing out there with that silly mob.
But just to stir the little fella up we went across again, well you never know when we will be up this way again hay. And the other kiddies were all up for it but between me and you I think they just like seeing Oscar going off, well it is funny to see believe me.
After a walk and some sticky beaking there was only two more things for us to do, the first was to fill our hungry tummies with some beaut fish n' chips. And the other was a short drive up to the top of Brown mountain for a gander from the lookout. Now this lookout is a real ripper mate, the photo doesn't do it justice. You can stand up top and see right around the whole countryside, it's o
ne a those real beaut lookouts that is really worth the drive up to have a gander. And this brought us to the end of yet another one of our little bush trips, and the end of Esmay the commodore's first road trip with us but differently not the last.